I've accepted an offer, what's the process from here?
As this video explains, a signed sales contract doesnt mean your house is sold. There are still financial, contractual and legal steps for both sides. The buyer has to get financing to meet the contract terms - which includes credit checks. The property is inspected and appraised; title insurance and escrow accounts are set up while you locate new housing, pack and move. And take care of any obligations like painting or repairs. After the contract is signed, it can take a month or more of closing steps to reach the closing meeting. So plan on that when you plan to sell.
Mohseni Real Estate Group - COMPASS
Email: steve@bayareahomefinder.com
CalBRE Broker Number: 01527235
760 Camino Ramon, Suite 200, Danville, CA 94526
900 Main Street, Pleasanton, CA 94566